Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza:
A Burlesque Tribute to Misheard Lyrics
PRODUCER: Clara Coquette
SHOW: Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza: A Burlesque Tribute to Misheard Lyrics
DATE: Saturday, May 25th, 2019 at 10:00pm
LOCATION: Coney Island USA, Sideshows by the Seashore, 1208 Surf Ave. Brooklyn NY 11224
TICKETS: $20 at the door or online at https://www.coneyisland.com/event/batb052519
STARRING: Clara Coquette, Sizzle Dizzle, Holly Ween, Hard Corey, Little Brooklyn, Boo Boo Darlin’, Wilfredo, and Tiny Dee
WEBSITE: www.claracoquette.com
May 25, 2019, New York City: “Hold me closer, Tony Danza!”...“Hit me with your pet shark.”...“‘’Scuse me while I kiss this guy.” Have you ever been guilty of mishearing the wrong lyric? In the days before we could quickly search the internet for the correct lyrics, we would have to guess and sometimes those guesses made for hilarious interpretations. They were often shared amongst people and shared for generations. Clara Coquette presents a unique burlesque show where the performers will act out through striptease those amusing mondegreens to the songs they represent.
Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza: A Burlesque Tribute to Misheard Lyrics takes place Saturday, May 25th, 10pm at Sideshows by the Seashore, as part of the Burlesque at the Beach Series. Producer Clara Coquette performs alongside such the comedic talents of Sizzle Dizzle, Holly Ween, Hard Corey, Little Brooklyn, Boo Boo Darlin’, Wilfredo, and Tiny Dee. Join us for this side-splitting celebration of merry mondegreens.